7 must-watch Netflix documentaries - Niche Film Farm

7 must-watch Netflix documentaries


Streaming services like Netflix have changed the way we consume entertainment in recent years. Netflix has developed into a center for compelling and thought-provoking documentaries outside of films and TV episodes. It has provided audiences with access to a wealth of information and a variety of viewpoints. Thanks to its huge collection of non-fiction films in numerous genres.

Documentaries have long been a potent narrative tool, putting light on interesting people, social challenges, and real-world occurrences. They offer a chance to dive deeply into topics that could otherwise go unnoticed or be misinterpreted. Netflix has embraced this format and provides a significant selection of documentaries that appeal to a variety of tastes and passions.

Netflix documentaries span a wide range of subjects. From real crime to natural exploration, from social and political criticism to individual quests for self-discovery. In addition to entertaining the audience, they also instruct and educate them. Igniting discussions and promoting a better awareness of the world around us.

Netflix gives viewers the ease of on-demand streaming. So they can watch documentaries at their own speed and research topics they are interested in. For those who enjoy documentaries, it is now simpler than ever to find underrated films and stories that speak to them.

Netflix has developed into a venue for documentary filmmakers to present their work and connect with a worldwide audience. It gives room for various viewpoints and opinions. Enabling filmmakers to produce stories that could contradict social conventions, reveal injustices, or spur action.

Netflix has a huge and constantly expanding variety of thought-provoking documentaries that are guaranteed to fascinate and engage you. Whether you are a fan of this genre or are just beginning to explore it. There is something for everyone to enjoy and learn from because there are so many different themes covered in documentaries.

Therefore, grab your remote, relax, and start exploring the fascinating and illuminating world of Netflix documentaries.

All about Netflix

The way we consume entertainment has been revolutionized by the top streaming service Netflix. With over 200 million users in more than 190 countries, Netflix has grown significantly since it began as a DVD-by-mail rental business in 1997. Netflix has become a well-known source for documentaries in addition to its large library of films and TV episodes, which first helped it become famous.

Netflix’s on-demand streaming approach, which enables users to access the material whenever and wherever they choose, is among its primary advantages. Because of its adaptability, it has become a preferred platform for fans of documentaries who now have access to a sizable collection of non-fiction films.

Netflix has made a concerted effort to fund the creation and acquisition of top-notch documentaries from across the globe. It has worked with famous filmmakers and production firms to produce a wide variety of compelling documentaries that appeal to a variety of interests.

Documentaries from a range of genres are available on the site, including those on real crime, history, science, social issues, nature, and more. These films educate and instruct audiences about significant issues and events while also entertaining them. Netflix documentaries dive deeply into tales that could otherwise go ignored or misrepresented, ranging from provocative societal comments to frank character portraits.

Additionally, Netflix has helped documentaries gain popularity and have a positive cultural influence. It has raised awareness of significant social concerns and generated debates in the public on anything from environmental protection to criminal justice reform. Worldwide audiences have been intrigued by and had an impact on public conversation thanks to documentaries like “Making a Murderer,” “The Social Dilemma,” and “13th”.

In conclusion, Netflix has become a well-known source for documentaries, providing a wide variety of interesting non-fiction films. Netflix has increased both the accessibility and popularity of documentaries more than ever before because of its worldwide reach and on-demand streaming. Audiences should anticipate a continuous growth of the documentary genre and a plethora of engrossing stories to discover as the platform invests in documentary production and acquisition.

7 must watch Netflix documentaries


The Mind Explained

The interesting documentary series “The Mind Explained” explores the intricacies of the human mind. It examines subjects including memory, dreams, anxiety, and mindfulness with the assistance of specialists and lifelike simulations. This series gives a thorough explanation of how our brains influence our experiences. It is both aesthetically appealing and educational.

The Social Dilemma

The inspiring documentary “The Social Dilemma” explores the negative aspects of social networking. It investigates how algorithms and targeted advertising are used by technology firms to sway public opinion and alter human behavior. This enlightening film addresses crucial issues regarding the influence of social media on our lives and the necessity of digital literacy.

Trust No one

A compelling real crime documentary series called “Trust No One” examines high-profile criminal cases and the shortcomings of the legal system. It investigates unjust convictions, police misconduct, and the quest for justice via gripping narrative and expert interviews. This series questions our presumptions and emphasizes how crucial it is for the judicial system to be open and accountable.

The Playbook

The inspiring and personal portrait of some of the finest sports coaches in the world provided by “The Playbook” is both moving and compelling. It reveals their distinctive techniques, ideologies, and the teachings they teach to their athletes via in-depth interviews. This video series offers insightful perspectives on determination, leadership, and the quest for excellence.

Get Smart with Money

A documentary called “Get Smart with Money” provides useful guidance and insights on wealth management and personal finance. It is a great resource for anybody trying to increase their financial literacy and make wise financial decisions because it includes themes like budgeting, investing, and financial planning.

The Minimalist

The thought-provoking documentary “The Minimalists” explores the idea of minimalism while criticizing our consumer-driven culture. It chronicles the journey of two friends as they adopt a minimalist lifestyle, gets rid of unnecessary items, and put their attention on what’s important. This film challenges viewers to reassess their goals and discover fulfillment outside of material goods.

Dirty Money

A powerful documentary series called “Dirty Money” exposes corporate greed, corruption, and financial crimes. It looks at situations when businesses and people have abused the system to their advantage. This show highlights the value of moral behavior and corporate responsibility while shedding light on the murky underbelly of the business world. 


Netflix has an abundance of fascinating documentaries on a variety of topics. The seven must-see documentaries offer entertaining and instructive watching experiences. These films will fascinate and educate you regardless of your interest in learning more about the secrets of the human mind, the effects of technology, or societal challenges. So, prepare to be enlightened and inspired by the power of documentary storytelling by grabbing some popcorn and settling in.

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